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Play Writing Course - Q4 Update

Hey Playwrights!

Our Play Writing course is the ONLY ONE in the District, so it is NOT getting its own online course curriculum. Instead of having all of you WCHS playwrights join the general survey "Theater 1" course, I requested that our course join the online Creative Writing 1 course.

I'm happy to say that our Fine Arts Supervisor, Mr. Viking, got that change approved this afternoon. This means you should be spending your Q4 time doing something closer to what you originally signed up for: writing creatively.

I am NOT building the class curriculum; that is being done by our District Office. It will be the same for all Writing students across Pasco County.

I will still be your instructor. I will still be the one grading your work and answering your questions. I have taught Creative Writing 1 before.

The course is not scheduled to begin until April 6th. I will know more when I get access to the course materials on April 3rd. When I know more, I'll pass it on!

-Mr. G

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